Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Preserve Plan of the Week. 'Blushing Pickled Eggs, Red Cabbage, Cloves and Star Anise.'

This recipe comes from 'Everyday Super Food' by Jamie Oliver. Page 238.

Book Pic

Learning to preserve, I was very happy to find those pickled eggs nugget of a recipe in Jamie's book. Anyone buying his magazine will be acknowledged of the wide range of recipes they offer, from fancy popcorn to herby homemade butter passing by chutney, jams and pickles. From the book picture, the purple edges of the eggs were intriguing enough for me to chose to learn how to do that. I wanted to know how to do pickled eggs for ages anyway. Making fancy ones was far from a stretch too far, it was just exciting. 

Bringing all the ingredients together on the kitchen counter revealed the big purple magical element in the recipe. 

The Prep.

Shredding the Red Cabbage.

And the winner is: The humble Red Cabbage. For that kind of purple, I would have thought Beetroot, because, Gosh, does Beetroot not dye everything in its path from tongue to fingers passing by chopping board? 


Well the dye Agent here is Red Cabbage. It is processed fairly simply, shredded, then stirred into the pickling liquid. 

Shelling the Eggs.
The entire recipe is easy to do. Hard Boiling eggs is not a biggie, shelling them is not complex either and this meant this entire pickling jar of blushed eggs was a joy to do. 

Filling the Jar.

Somehow I had that childish excitement just by filling up the Kilner Jar with the eggs, cabbage and pickling liquid. Maybe because, my pickled eggs are going to be fancy purple like in Jamie Oliver's recipe, or may be because I am starting to understand how pickling is working. The mathematics of it are pretty simple and then, the possibilities for fun and equations endless. This funky recipe just opened the doors of pickling to me in a non boring way: Priceless.  

The Result.

When those eggy wonders reached our plates, I will tell you how they fared on the taste incentive. So this post will be updated with the result at a later stage. 

For the moment the result is a jar which is picture perfect. 

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