Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Weekly Feedback. 28/09-03/10/2015. Jamie Oliver 'Everyday Super Food'.

This trial week of Jamie Oliver's new book was fantastic. 

Now, I remember buying that book as a payday treat to myself about three to four months ago. As I turned around after picking it from the shelves, I met the disapproving but also worried look of my partner. If you would see my collection of cookery books, and magazines which occupies a lot of shelves, surfaces, and places, you would understand the disapproving, so much so that your mind would be able to put words into that particular gaze: 'Not one more.'

Jamie's Home made Tea. 

But there was some anxiety there, in that gaze at that moment in time, for I did not pick a book called 'Comfort Food' or 'Pub Grub', any of Jamie Oliver's previous books would not have encountered that look either. That particular one had an alarm bell attached to it, or like a blue neon sign flashing repetitively which simply said: 
'Healthy'. Not his cup of tea. 

Tango on Jamie's book.
The title said 'Super Food' but the subliminal message in my partner's mind was 'healthy' and that little word came with a lot of assumptions such as boring, not fulfilling or not just filling enough etc etc etc. Well, all those myths were busted by that trial week. 

Although, choosing that book for a trial week met a lot of circumspection and worries, at the end of it, it was a massive thumbs up and someone totally won over that healthy can be excellent, full of flavours and very filling.

Sweet Potato Muffins.
The week went really well and the book will not be put on the shelf to be forgotten, it will be opened again and again. There is a lot of cool dishes in there that we haven't tried yet. The ones, we did have were very tasty. It has to be said that Jamie Oliver's recipes burst out with flavours. 

For our podium of favourite dishes this week, we came to decide that, in third position was the 'Chicken and Garlic Bread Kebabs.' They made a fantastic supper. 

Chicken and Garlic Bread Kebabs.

Being a firm second, came the 'Vegeree Not Kedgeree'.  However altered the recipe was under my hands, this was delish flavoursome. 


Coming first are the Samosas, which we absolutely loved. It was awesome to learn how to do them with that tasty recipe. 

The Samosas

Pickled Eggs.
This book is very educational food or super-food wise making you conscious of what you eat in an exciting way. Jamie Oliver just pulled it off in my home with his recipes and convinced my partner that healthy doesn't necessarily means boring. He enjoyed that week truly: it was educational, myths and assumptions busting.   

To which I will conclude that from making Brunch Muffins, to Funky Pickled Eggs, passing by Tasty Samosas, I learned a hell of a lot from processes to just little tips which makes plenty of difference. 

I can only recommend that book to anyone. 

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